Breast Enhancement – Top Among Women Seeking Plastic Surgery

Breast augmentation is today one of the fastest growing procedures. High success rate and quick recovery time are driving the popularity of boob jobs. And more women than you can imagine are either “happy” or “very satisfied” with their results. What is it that persuades women to make a beeline for a breast augmentation job? They want to buy a bathing suit that enhances their body shape. After having children they have lost their breast size and shape. They are envious of their next door neighbor’s figure. It would be difficult to pinpoint just a couple of reasons. When scores of women come for consultation regarding augmentation, Frederick surgeons have this to say. “Women are mired in cleavage puzzlement. We keep telling women that increasing breast size by surgery is not what gives cleavage. Cleavage depends on how close the breasts are together, as also the shape and width of the chest”. In any case, women must co...