A Procedure Targeting Fat Without Surgery

For all those who are fitness freaks, and even those who are not, reducing fat around midriffs and thighs is the essential quest of the present times.

Now CoolSculpting treatment is promising to tackle love handles without surgery.

Who would not like a slimmer figure without the drudgery of pain and recovery time associated with conventional surgery?

And thankfully, CoolSculpting treatment is the only procedure that is FDA cleared - another compelling reason for people to be happy.

“It freezes away fat”, says a surgeon who performs CoolSculpting treatment in Maryland.

This breakthrough technology enables doctors to precisely target fat cells beneath the skin’s surface, and cool them to the appropriate temperatures that prompt their natural death.

Experts say that even with diet and exercise, fat cells can accumulate in the body.

“It is extremely tough to get rid of these”, say a Maryland based fitness specialist.

Despite the advantages, there are certain things people must know before they decide to freeze their fat.

  • There is some risk of asymmetrical removal, because the procedure is not skill reliant.
  • CoolSculpting treatment can be expensive depending on where it is done.
  • One session may not suffice; so it is best to talk to the doctor before going ahead.
  • The procedure can take a long time for each section, depending on how many areas the patients want to get treated.
  • It may take months for comprehensive results to show up, because each individual responds differently to CoolSculpting treatment.

All this, point to the fact, that it is critical for the individual to be evaluated by the doctor. How the body rids itself of fat, and how fast, after the slimming procedure is still unclear. Nevertheless, both the doctors and patients are happy the procedure works in most cases.


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