Feel Years Younger – After An Eyelift Job

Are you worried that your drooping eyelids are making you look older than you really are?
If your answer is less, then eyelid surgery in Maryland can be the right solution for you.
With eyelid lift surgery, MD surgeons remove fat from the upper and lower eyelids and help you regain your youthful appearance.

Yes, it is true that drooping eyelids are, more often than not, due to ageing. But they can also be due to:

  • Debility of the muscles that raises the eyelids
  • Injury to the nerves that control the eyelid
  • Looseness of the skin of the upper eyelids
Drooping eyelids, also called ptosis, may need a physical evaluation by a competent specialist.
The doctor will perform exams and tests that can include slit-lamp examination, visual field testing, and tension test.
It is not uncommon for surgeons to recommend eyelid lift surgery to correct drooping eyelids.

This type of surgery in medical jargon is called Blepharoplasty.

Eyelid lift procedure is usually done under local anesthesia.
The doctor injects a numbing medicine round the eyes so that the patient does not feel any pain. Thereafter, tiny incisions are made into the folds of the eyelids. The surgeon removes the loose skin and tightens eyelid muscles. Incisions are then closed with sutures.
Post-surgery, the doctor may lubricate the eyes with ointment and apply a bandage. Getting back to normal will not take a lot of time. Within 2 or 3 days, the patient will be able to read, write, or watch television.

“The new cosmetic enhancement may, however, take its own time”, says a doctor who performs eyelid surgery in Maryland. “Complete healing of the scars is a gradual process. It may take 6 months or so depending on the patient”.

The good news is a lot of patients are happy with the outcomes of this procedure.
“The droopy folds of my eyelids were eating into my confidence” says a magazine editor based in MD. “The op was an unbelievable success. My looks have transported back 15 years”.

It is not just the + 60s that are a worried lot. The younger gen seems to be anxious too. Hours of staring at desktops at the workplace is taking its toll on the youthful glow of their countenances.

“Our lifestyles are probably leading us to early maturity”, says an IT professional.
You may not have much of a leeway to escape from your vocation, but certain lifestyle changes like adequate rest, regular exercise, and healthy eating can certainly help slow down aging.

If, however, eyelid lift surgery does become inevitable, you can rest assured you are in good hands in MD. 


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